Apr 22, 2009

Well – Better – Best

Quote of April month

“ Make things work well, then better, then the best they possibly can”

- Sam Walton in “Made in America - My Story

One of the most practical statements by one of the best entrepreneurs ever. We often don’t practice this statement. We are in such a hurry, that we always want the best to happen at the first trial. When it doesn’t happen, we complain about the system and the situations.

We have to realize that many challenges in life, are similar to mathematical problems in which you cant proceed to the second level, without using the results from the first level and whose solutions are iterative in nature.

We never like iterations. right? We want things to fall in place right away. It never happens in life, like it never happened for me in a mathematics exam. In an exam, starting with a good guess depends on your practice, intellect and also luck. In real life, it comes from experience.

Those who have started their careers recently, please remember one thing. The experience you gather in the first few years, will form the core for the rest of your career(Like the first level results of a complex mathematical problem). If you go wrong here, then you have screwed up the problem (Rest of your career)

Make sure you learn as much as possible during this phase. Don’t withdraw yourselves to dogma and useless philosophy thrown at you by false colleagues. Look for opportunities with open eyes and use your common sense before you make any decision. Be very sure about your priorities.

Don’t be in a hurry. By running too fast on the road to success, you are missing the fruits of wisdom lying along the road side. You cant survive in the race for long, with out the energy from those fruits.

Once you gather the necessary expertise, you are the King !!!! You can make everything work in the best possible way.