Apr 13, 2009

Nature’s Mahatma

Art: Imagining  Mahatma Gandhi in Nature

Imagining Gandhi in nature

Today, we are living in a destructive civilization. Trapped in an imaginary world of selfish desire, we are exploiting the environment at such a rapid pace, where the nature’s inherent balancing mechanisms cannot come to our rescue.  Mother Earth is a home for many other living beings other than us. We don't care a damn for them. The school time classes on food chain, photosynthesis and morals have faded away from our memory. What kind of intelligent creatures are we?

While we make such a fuss out of the current economic crisis which no one completely understands, many of us don’t spend a micro percent of that time  thinking about living in sync with nature. Which Modern Mahatma is going to come and free us from this trap?


In my opinion, everyone who makes a conscious move towards living a better life, with out harming the environment is a Mahatma. We needn’t invent anything to roll back all the destruction we have made over the decades. Lets at least use the available resources in a holistic way. Lets contribute lesser and lesser to air and water pollution.  Lets save the energy and water resources for our future generations. Lets use only what we really require. Lets leave the trouble shooting job to the most experienced Nature. It is very capable of saving us. All we have to do, is to help it and move along with it.

Otherwise, the end of the our civilization is not too far. The next generation of life on earth will read about us, like we read about dinosaurs today.

By the way, I see a mahatma in this cute video, which was shared by my friend Chhavi.

Do you ?


  1. Hello Murali,

    I am deepak.How are you?The the link u have sent is very much needed and i am also working on it.Please mail me your phone number so that i can share u my thoughts which i want to do.ESPECIALLY THE VIDEO IS EXCELLENT.

    Thanking you,
    Somnath Deepak

  2. Deepak, iam so happy to hear that.
    My mobile number: 09739099802. Call me anytime

  3. aaah!!! why do we waste the internet resources and our free time instead of just idling by? :P

  4. @ Madhav
    We do so because, we are so much addicted to the web.

    Staying idle is a great way to use free time, and bring peace to your mind and heart. I particularly find it difficult to stay idle and do something like meditation. (Im Changing that slowly)

    Per today, the only way i have found to stay idle, is to sleep like a lazy bug!

  5. the art is juss awesome ...as always .... and ... reg the sustainability .... i am totally with u bro ....nice one :)
