Feb 20, 2009

The way Microsoft works - (Whazz up with Windows 7)

When i started writing the post, I remembered the lines from a recent employee meeting, where James cash who is one of the independent board of directors of Microsoft. said, “Microsoft releases products with lootttt of bugs (Bhugs). But, they learn from the bugs and correct them very fast

I see an immediate relevance to the operating system Windows Vista. Every one knows that windows vista was a FLOP. During the recent release of the Aluminum uni-body Mac book and Mac book pro, Windows vista found place in the top six reasons for computer users to shift from PC to MAC.

Windows 7, which is the successor to windows vista is expected to clear all the loss and confusion that vista has created. It has many features like touch, HD blah blah.. Read about them in this link http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/

Microsoft has offered free download of the beta version, for the first 2.3 million users or so. I have grabbed one copy of it, and have been using windows 7 for the past one week. The OS is very similar to Vista, The major change being the task bar. Since i do not have a graphics card on my system, i cant take the maximum use of the new task bar and the several aero features that come along with Windows 7.

It still has compatibility issues with software, though not as much troublesome as vista. It has an option to install any software in the compatibility mode, and it works. I don’t understand why it is built that way. Why do you need do click a couple of buttons extra to make the software compatible.

I like windows 7, better than Vista. Its faster, more compatible and consumes less computer resources than Vista. Here are a few snapshots from my computer.

My desktop !

Windows 7 desktop

The new paint. I loved it !new paint

The new calculator and Word-padcalculator & wordpad

The new media playermedia player

Other interesting software that come along with Windows 7 include IE 8, Snipping tool and stickies. Another interesting upgrade is the Movie maker beta that comes as a part of windows live and is compatible with windows 7. It looks like this.

movie maker beta

There are quite a few features that make the OS easy to use. Though Apple claims that LEOPARD is the worlds most advanced operating system, (I completely support the statement), windows runs on more than 90 percent of the worlds computers. And a meaningful upgrade to windows is what PC users have been waiting for. Lets hope Microsoft has corrected all the bugs in this new OS. I am not the best person to comment on its performance.

Lets wait till the main release of windows 7, and let experts talk.

Until then, Thumps up for windows 7.

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